English, Mathematics and Modern Language Placement Policy for New Park University Students
Academic Records and Registration
The Registrar’s Office maintains for each enrolled student an academic record and a degree audit. All official academic transactions are recorded. A degree audit reflecting all completed courses will be available on request. A copy of the degree audit may also be obtained through the MyPark portal. Any student may obtain copies of a transcript by filing an official transcript request along with the per copy fee. No transcripts will be issued unless at least one graded Park University course appears on the transcript. No outstanding balance may show on the student’s account. Students may obtain an unofficial copy of their transcript through the MyPark portal.
Records Retention
Park University’s Records Retention Policies are designed to protect and maintain necessary records. The University permanently maintains grade, degree, and transcript records for all students. (Transcripts may be requested at Additionally, the University permanently maintains records of legal name changes. Other demographic information, including address records, are maintained for a minimum of ten years after last term of attendance/graduation. Other academic records, such as degree program offerings and degree requirements, are maintained in accordance with the University’s Document Retention policy.
Degree Audit
Following admission, official transcripts from other institutions are evaluated and a degree audit prepared that itemizes degree requirements and indicates progress to degree. The initial audit serves as a record for purposes of financial aid and Veterans Administration eligibility. Students may access their degree audit at any time via the student tab in MyPark. Most degree programs require some “electives” to complete the degree. The actual number of credits required to graduate may differ depending on the number of electives or transfer credit. The degree audit is an advising tool and does not constitute an agreement or a contract but will be corrected if an error is discovered. A final review is made prior to graduation to ensure completion of all degree requirements.
Continuous Enrollment
Students must complete the degree requirements in effect at the time of admission. These requirements remain in effect even if the University updates degree requirements in subsequent years, as long as the student maintains continuous enrollment in the program. Under the following conditions, students will be updated to the current catalog and degree requirements:
- The student defers entry for one year or longer after being admitted.
- The student discontinues classes for a period of two or more years (at least one course must be completed within two years, excluding withdrawn courses).
- The student changes majors.
- The program is eliminated and the teach out period has expired.*
*Teach Out: When programs are eliminated by the University, the programs are phased out over a period of time to allow current students an opportunity to complete the program. Once the teach out period has https://maxloan.org/payday-loans-sd/ expired, any student remaining in that program is expected to select a new major. The teach out length is determined by degree type:
Some entering, degree-seeking students will be required to take placement tests in English and math, so that they can be placed in the appropriate level of coursework to support their success. Students may be exempted from taking the assessments in English, math, or both, if they provide one of the following:
- Official transcript(s) from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution(s) from which the student has earned credit for an articulated English course that satisfies the Park University general education requirement
- College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam score which qualifies as review for credit
- DANTES or DSST exam on which the score qualifies as review for credit