Students who seek additional preparation for the placement test may enroll in a non-credit bearing, tuition-free, self-paced online developmental course
- GED certificate with an English score report of 165 or higher
- HiSET certificate report with a English subtest score of 15 or higher and minimum essay score of 4
- ACT English sub score of 21 or higher
- SAT Evidence-based and Writing score of 310 or higher
Students who do not provide one of the alternatives listed above will be provided with a log-in that enables them to take the placement test(s) online. The results of the test will indicate if students should enroll in a companion developmental English course with EN 105 . Entering students should monitor their Park University email for information about the placement test, or they can contact their admissions advisor or success coach about the process.
Entering students should monitor their Park University email inbox for information about the placement test, or speak with their admissions advisor or success coach about placement testing options
- Official transcript(s) from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution(s) from which the student has earned credit for an articulated math course that satisfies the Park University general education requirement
- ACT or SAT Math sub scores meeting the minimum pre-requisite requirements to enroll in Park’s required math courses
Students who do not provide one of the alternatives listed above will be provided with a log-in that enables them to take the placement test(s) online. The results of the test will determine the highest-level math class they are qualified to enroll in and if a developmental course is indicated. Entering students should monitor their Park University email for information about the placement test, or contact their admissions advisor or success coach about the process.
Access to the course can be granted by a student’s Success Coach. Successful completion of the self-paced online developmental course prepares students to complete the placement test. The results of the test will indicate if students should enroll in MA 102 , MA 125 , MA 135 , MA 120 , or MA 171 .
However, students seeking BS degrees can take modern language courses for elective credit
The modern language requirement pertains to BA degrees only. Students who are interested in taking a modern language course must contact the Academic Support Center or the Department of English and Modern Languages for instructions on how to take the Modern Languages Assessment at no cost to the student. The assessment will then be used to determine the student’s first Park University modern language course.
Priority Enrollment
Student enrollments in Air Force on-base education services sponsored programs will be given the following priority: (1) active duty military personnel, (2) civilian employees of Department of Defense agencies, and (3) family members of active duty military, military reserve and guard members, retired military personnelmunity civilians may be admitted on a space available basis and to the extent of compatibility with local base security and essential mission commitments.
Student enrollments in Army on-post education services sponsored programs will be given the following priority: (1) active duty military, (2) family members of active duty military personnel, (3) Department of Defense civilians employed on post, (4) retired military personnel, (5) family members of retired military personnel, and (6) civilians.
Student enrollment in Marine Corps on-base education services sponsored programs will be given priority as follows: (1) active duty ily members of active duty personnel, (4) DOD employees and their family members, and (5) civilians on a space available basis when programs are not otherwise conveniently available.
Student enrollment in Navy on-base education services sponsored programs will read here be given priority as follows: (1) active duty military personnel, (2) family members of active duty military personnel, (3) Department of Defense civilians employed on post, (4) military reserve and guard members, (5) retired military personnel, (6) family members of retired military personnel, and (7) civilians.